Saturday, August 31, 2019

Effectiveness of Racial Profiling in Countering Terrorism

[Student's Name] [Professor's Name] [Subject Code and Title] Is Racial Profiling an Effective Counter Terrorism Measure? The September 11 terror attack on the American soil was followed by a successive wave of events that were aimed at countering terrorism. As the global engagement on terrorism intensified, racial profiling became more pronounced along the corridors of counter-terrorism. Conversely, the employment of racial profiling as an instrument for detecting terror suspects and countering terrorism has elicited sharp criticism from different quarters.Even as protagonists of racial profiling reiterate its effectiveness in combating terrorism, dissenting voices lament the flagrant human rights violations and racial segregations borne of racial profiling. This paper critically examines the issues surrounding racial profiling in order to form a benchmark upon which the effectiveness of racial profiling in countering terrorism can be measured. The September 11 attacks on the US soi l, which was one of the single worst acts of terrorism in the world's history, led to the re-emergence of racial profiling in full force.In a desperate effort to bring to book the perpetrators of these attacks, security agencies in the US developed prejudice on Middle-Easterners. These prejudices were then codified into law including additional security measures for Arabs and Muslims leaving and entering the US territory. It is against this backdrop that racial profiling gained prominence not only in the US but also among its allies. This then raises a very pertinent concern as to whether racial profiling is effective in countering terrorism across the globe.Security organs more often than not have based detention and interdiction of suspects primarily on the basis of their race, ethnicity and/or religion. Pickering et al argue that racial profiling occurs against the belief that certain minority groups are more likely to engage in unlawful behavior. They further posit that integrat ing national security into law has opened up the possibility that racial profiling is inevitable in predicting crime and identifying potential perpetrators of crime.Profiling is however problematic in terms of its effectiveness given the fact that it is not firstly correlated statistically to risk. Secondly, racial profiling is ineffective in substantially narrowing down a pool of potential suspects (60). Therefore, profiling of suspects fails to meet professional law enforcement principles but instead reflect prejudice and discrimination. Nevertheless, the biggest concerns over profiling lie in the invasion of privacy as well as the erosion of fundamental civil liberties.The US has been on the forefront in advocating for the sharing of Passenger Name Records (PNR) information in an effort to single out possible terror suspects. However, this action invariably subjects individuals of particular ethnicities and religions to additional security checks consequently giving leeway to arb itrary discrimination (Muffler 241). What authorities do is basically identify names on the PNR that are Muslim or Arabic in nature. With the perception that Arabs and Muslims are potential terror suspects, they subject bearers of such names to more rigorous security screening.This act does not only discriminate affected individuals but it also produces a large number of false positives. Pickering et al have ascertained that large numbers of false positives divert resources needed to enhance more productive law enforcement activities. Moreover, false positives draws attention away from real threats and this is welcome news for terrorists. To that respect, racial profiling becomes self-defeating in the sense that it overlooks mainstream target groups thus ignoring the real danger of homegrown non-target terror groups (62).In the recent past, we have had terror attacks instigated by native citizens who have been either inspired by radical religious teachings or who are angry with thei r governments for reasons known to themselves. These individuals are never prioritized by the authorities thus pose a greater danger to national security. Over-emphasis on foreigners paves way for homegrown extremists to plan and execute terror attacks undetected. It is therefore a morally repugnant practice to target individuals as terror suspects based on their race and/or religion.Not all Muslims are terrorists and neither are all people of Arabic origin terrorists. It is really fallacious to generalize Muslims and Arabs as terrorists based on religious and ethnic prejudices. This then means that these individuals who would have otherwise provided intelligence on terror activities become sympathetic to terror groups with whom they share racial and religious inclinations. In the long run, racial profiling degrades social cohesion; it fuels animosity and ends up instigating more terror attacks that it intended to counter in the first place (Pickering et al 62).Racial alienation in the wake of racial profiling has given rise to a new phenomenon referred to as social terrorism. Intolerance experienced in society today has left victims of racial profiling with indelible marks of acute, episodic and vicarious discrimination. Social terrorism shutters minds, bodies and souls with affected individuals developing serious spiritual disturbances. These disorders may include questioning the essence of living, cessation from religious practices as well as loss of vitality and aliveness.Spirituality in particular is at the heart of resilience to adversity among people of color. Attacking a person's spiritual beliefs therefore creates individuals prone to radical religious teachings. It is the victims of social terrorism that have been found to cause the worst atrocities against humanity since they have nothing to lose after all (Etiony 97). Profiling indeed increases the detection of terrorists attack in the short run. Through racial profiling, terror suspects have been apprehended before initiating their attacks.In the long run however, racial profiling creates the possibility of dangerous substitution. On the current trajectory, there is no empirical evidence whatsoever exploring the use of racial profiling as a counter terrorism measure. This means that we have no idea whether racial profiling is indeed bearing fruits in countering terrorism or not. What we are aware of is how racial profiling has negatively impacted those subjected to it (Center for Human Rights and Global justice 19).It is not my intention to ruffle people's feathers the wrong way or even stir still waters. To that respect, I will try my very best to keep friendly skies friendly by condemning terrorism unreservedly with the strongest words possible. Terrorism destabilizes democracies by attacking the life and liberties of citizens. It must be met with firmness and increased co-operation among democratic countries. However, inasmuch as we must counter terrorism, we must denounc e the escalation of barbaric acts that strike down innocent victims.People do not immigrate to foreign lands just to bomb them but they rather do so to appreciate the quality of life in these foreign countries. It is therefore incumbent upon the citizens of resident countries to welcome these foreigners and help them integrate in their communities. When all is said and done, it is imperative that we win the war on terrorism if we desire to make the world a peaceful haven. This war will not however be won through covert and coercive methods of intelligence gathering. Law enforcement agencies must desist from hiding their laziness and inefficiencies behind racial bigotry.What is needed is development of security structures for sharing intelligence between security agents and citizens on counter terror activities. Security agencies can no longer afford to guard terrorism as a top secret since terrorism affects all people regardless of their status in society. Fundamental rights must ne ver become casualties of the politics of fear that have characterized States' response to the war on terror. A faithful adherence to human rights incorporated in international, regional, and domestic law is the only sure way of securing and protecting all persons.Works Cited Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. Irreversible Consequences: Racial Profiling and Lethal Force in the War on Terror. NY: NYU School of Law, 2006. Print. Etiony, Aldarando. Advancing Social Justice Through Clinical Practice. NJ: Lawrence Eribaum Associates, 2008. Print. Muffler, J. Steven. Racial Profiling: Issues, Data and Analyses. NY: Nova Science P, 2006. Print. Pickering, Sharon, McCulloch and Wright-Neville David. Counter-Terrorism Policing: Community, Cohesion and Security. NY: Springer, 2008. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Eastern Philosophy Essay

Compare and contrast the Hindu doctrine of Atman-Brahman with the Buddhist notion of non-atman. What was the Buddha reacting against? Is Buddhism to be considered a religion or a philosophy? Hindus strongly believe that in an uncreated, eternal, infinite, transcendent, and all-embracing principle, which, â€Å"comprising in itself being and non-being,† is the sole reality, the ultimate cause and foundation, source, and goal of all existence. This sole magnanimous reality is called brahman. As the All, brahman causes the universe and all beings to emanate from its core and morphs itself into the universe, or assumes its guise. Brahman is in every matter in this world and is the â€Å"Self† (atman) of all living beings. Brahman plays crucial roles such as the creator, preserver, or transformer, and â€Å"reabsorber† of all matters. Yet it is Being in per se, without attributes and qualities, hence impersonal, it may also be conceived of as a personal high God, usually as Vishnu or Siva. This fundamental belief in and the essentially religious search for ultimate reality which implies â€Å"The One that is the all† have continued almost unaltered for more than 50 centuries and have been the central focus and core of India’s spiritual life (www. rystalinks. com/hindu). Siddhartha Gautama also called the Buddha, and Vardhamana called Mahavira â€Å"the great teacher of Jainism† . Several heterodox teachers who organized bands of ascetic followers. Every group mandated itself to follow a certain code of conduct. They received generous support from prominent families and merchants. The latter were growing in wealth and influence, and most of them were searching for alternative forms of religious activity that would give them a more significant role than did orthodox Brahmanism or that would be less expensive to support. Which, in a way, was considered an opposition to doctrines and teachings of Brahmanism. It is suffice to say that Buddhism has similarities with Brahmanism yet at odds with one another (www. crystalinks. com/hindu). Buddhism is considered as a religion for Buddhists yet a philosophy for some. It is a set of doctrines and teachings that is usually describe as a religion. Compared to other religions, other Buddhists allege that Buddhism is not a religion per se, which is a contradiction of their faith to their chosen religion. Other sects say that it is a mere philosophy that are bounded by the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the one who founded Buddhism. Buddhism is called Buddha Dharma and Dhamma as well, which is defined as the â€Å"Teachings of the Awakened One† in Pali and Sanskrit which are ancient Buddhist texts. This was the reaction of the Buddha during his spiritual quest: â€Å"experimented with extreme asceticism, which at that time was seen as a powerful spiritual practice†¦ such as fasting, holding the breath, and exposure of the body to pain†¦ e found, however, that these ascetic practices brought no genuine spiritual benefits and in fact, being based on self-hatred, that they were counterproductive. After renouncing the principles of asceticism and concentrating instead upon meditaion and Anapanasati as well Gautama is believed to have discovered what Buddhists call the Middle Way which is path of moderation that lies in between the extremes of self-indulgence and self-m ortification. It leads to the Four Noble Truths and eventually to the Eight Fold Path which will constitute the attainment of Nirvana. Discuss the Buddist teachings on the nature of the Middle Way as a strictly moral doctrine. What constitutes the path of virtue. What are the Four Noble Truths and how does one obtain Nirvana through the cessation of desire? The main principle of Buddhist doctrine is the called the Middle Way which was discovered by the Buddha prior to his bodhi or enlightenment. The Middle Way or Middle Path has a handful of definitions. Usually it is charaterized by the practice of non-extremism and a path of moderation away from the extremes of self-indulgence and opposing self-mortification. It is considered in taking a middle ground between specific metaphysical perspectives as well. Which things ultimately either exist or do not exist. An explanation of the state of Nirvana and ultimate enlightenment where all dualities amalgamate and cease to exist as separate entities. The essence of the Middle way as a strictly moral doctrine is bounded by the path of virtue which is called as the Eight Fold Path as well. Buddhist doctrine, stated by the Buddha in his first sermon near Benares, India. The path is regarded as the way for individuals to deal with the problems named in the Four Noble Truths The path consists of right understanding (faith in the Buddhist view of existence), right thought (the resolve to practice the faith), right speech (avoidance of falsehoods, slander, and abuse), right action (abstention from taking life, stealing, and improper sexual behavior), right livelihood (rejection of occupations not in keeping with Buddhist principles), right effort (development of good mental states), right mindfulness (awareness of body, feelings, and thought), and right concentration (meditation). It is also called the Middle Path, because it steers a course between sensuality and asceticism. Following the Path leads to escape from suffering and attainment of Nirvana (Britannica. com). The Path of Virtue if imminet will lead to the emergence of the Eight Fold Path after the cessation of the Four Noble Truths, which after it culminates will eventually lead to the attainment of Nirvana The Buddhist doctrine of the Middle way guides this conviction and belief by an apt understanding of The Eight Fold Path as a means of attaining the state of Nirvana. Furthermore, The doctrines are essential and crucial in order for a being to not only understand the very essence of Nirvana but what culminates after the attainment of such state as well. The Buddhist Doctrine implored by the Buddha in his initial teachings are significant towards the road to Nirvana. The four noble truths constitute a means of attaining nirvana which is not plausible for some. Dukkha or the nature of suffering is actually the noble truth of suffering that implies that birth is suffering per se and other physiological notions are suffering as well. An amalgamation from what is displeasing is suffering, thus separation from what it pleasing is suffering and not to achieve what one desires is suffering. A suffering’s origin or Samudaya is the noble realization of the origin of suffering. This yearning leads to a renewed existence that will be accompanied by delight and lust which leads to the craving of sensual pleasure then craving for existence and eventually, the craving for destruction. Cessation of suffering or Nirodha is the noble truth for the abrupt cessation of suffering. It is regardless of the cessation of the similar crasving, te giving up, and finally the relinquishing of it, the freedom and not the non-reliance from it. The fourth noble truth is The Way or Magga which leads to the cessation of suffering. It is the noble truth of the way which leads to he cessation of suffering. The Eightfold Path namely: that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration as well. These are the four great truths of Buddhinsm. Dukkha implies that all existence is afflicted with suffering. Second, Samudaya identifies desire, thirst, or craving as the source of suffering, which intangibly binds beings to samsara or the cycle of existence. Nirodha asserts that cessation of craving will bring suffering to a halt. Finally, The Eightfold Path which culminates the four noble truths implies he omission of suffering and the escape from samsara. These Four Noble Truths are bounded to the idea of Nirvana in which one can attain a state of â€Å"finitude that will lead to absolute reality of positive and negative efforts that may lead to the attainment of Nirvana. Discuss the Buddist doctrine of non-atman (non-substantiality). How does it comprise the three Marks of Existence and what does it mean to say that all form is emptiness. Hint:`There is Nirvana but no-one attains it. In order to achieve Nirvana, one must endure the three marks of existence namely: Dukkha, Anicca, and Anatta. These three are bounded by the Buddhist notion that after meditation they will conclude all the physical and mundane matters. Dukkha, for its part, is striving for what a person desires while enduring suffering and torment yet after an ordeal you might find happiness in achieving what one desires. Eventually, boredom which is a form of suffering will divert a person from such boredom by indulging in a pursuit of new forms of pleasure. Boredom is a result of a ramification of our interest in a matter which a person desires which captivated us at first. Anicca is the inconstant and impermanent per se. Each person can undergo by the use of our senses which is dependent on the right conditions for its existence. Everything is constantly changing and is always in sporadic influx. Matters are constantly coming into being as well as ceasing to be. The crucial point is that a phenomena may arise and cease due to complex states and conditions that do not occur within our whims. Though we have a finite ability to generate a change to our possessions, previous experience tells us that our feeble attempts have no guarantees that the outcome of the efforts will also be according to our â€Å"liking†. Lastly, Annata is the unceasing change of permanent essence which is conceived through the virtue of existence. A human being’s personality is an orthodox appelation applied to the consortium of physical and mental components which each is mandated to a constant influx yet there is not central essence or core which is similar to a â€Å"bundle theory† of mind and soul. Nirvana is the finite state of the Mahayana ideology. It the state in which the attempt to grasp reality is halted in a holistic way, by means of the realization of its impossibility. Evidently, it is and preposterous and absurd to presume that nirvana per se as a state to be achieved. Nirvana is not the state of coming to terms with reality due to the fact that such state cannot generate either a positive or negative aura. In its negative nature, Nirvana is said to be as â€Å"no waves† and â€Å"blowing out†, implying that achieving such state would mean tranquility of one’s existence. Yet these statements offer minimal attributes of nirvana. Nirvana as â€Å"finite† is an anti-thesis to positive attributes and words such as eternal and omnipresent though its positive comprehension is bound by intellect. Buddha, for his part, will never answer question in a postive manner regarding the notions of nirvana. Considering it is not out of sheer prudence but practicality as well. Coming into terms with â€Å"finitude† eventually concludes nirvana that is an absolute reality. By directing awareness away from finitude and towards the intuitive core of the brain, an individual consciously grips reality. The negative part of the effort are not sufficient enough to realize Nirvana. Nirvana is not present and will not be realized by grasping finitude yet the Buddha suggested that it is possible and effortless to achieve Nirvana by the means of directing awareness and channeling its energy internally through positive efforts. There is a deliberate mistake in which the belief of the right motivation culminates the achievement of nirvana, in which samsara or finitude is part of nirvana which s infinitude and coming into terms with samsara will embody achieving nirvana in an apt manner. The notion of renouncing Nirvana is a deliberate and evident contradiction because it obviously contradicts it very purpose. Such misguided attribute is a sheer reflection of the Buddhist meditation practice of sitting without being occupied by preconceived notions. Renouncing nirvana with the apparent purpose of eventually realizing nirvana is a deliberate contradiction.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germans in 1940-41?

The Blitz (shortened from the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightning war) was a period of time when Germany carried out air raids on major cities in Britain. The main reason for the Blitz was that Hitler wanted to invade. The Blitz began on the 7th September 1940 with London being the first city attacked. London was bombed for 56 consecutive nights after that. This was because London is a densely populated area & the Germans knew that it would cause destruction & upset on a huge scale. In particular the bombers focused on the East End as it was home to docks and factories. Other places in London were also hit such as Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral. This would have made some people very distraught as these buildings were part of Britain's history and what had been destroyed of them could not be replaced. As well as London, towns in the south of England such as Southampton, Bristol and Portsmouth were targeted and attacked because of their dockyards. Without docks England would be unable to send or receive anything in ships overseas. This would have caused havoc with the economy, as vital resources would have been restricted. Hitler also set out for infrastructure and factories to be bombed because if roads, railways, buildings and factories had been ruined. Britain's industry would suffer immensely. Materials to make weapons and military vehicles would be scarce and s this would have a knock- on effect on Britain's progress in the war. Although a large number of cities by the coast were hit, the Midlands were also devastated, particularly Coventry in November 1940. In the North West, Manchester was attacked heavily in December 1940, but it was Liverpool that was the victim of the biggest raid on a mainland city. In conjunction with buildings being destroyed, Hitler also wanted the morale of the British to be shattered. In September alone, over 40,000 people a week lost their homes, their heritage and their memories. 4500 people were killed in November and just in London 12,500 people dies in December. Hitler wanted to crush the British drive so much that they would give up entirely and surrender. As an extract from Goebbels diary on the 1st November 1940 reads, ‘The Fuhrer intends to keep hammering the British until they break'. The British civilians lived in fear that their towns would be bombed. At night the blackouts were put in place. Indoor lights, streetlights and headlights had to be off or covered so they could not be seen from above. This would make it more difficult for the planes overhead to locate their target. At the worst, people had to resort to living in the underground railways which were packed and which were filthy. Another place people took shelter was churches as a first aider on the 14th September 1940 said, ‘ People felt that nowhere would be safer than under the protection of the church. Hitler though that if the unemployed, homeless, withered people of Britain lost their spirit and faith in the Government, then they would turn there back on the British war effort and so Germany would win.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 20

Case study - Essay Example 23). It is a case which may result to the eventual failure of the kidney, further, resulting to the death of the patient. The condition stems from abnormal and premature red blood cells destruction, which then clogs the filter system within the kidneys. In view of the condition, various factors may result to such happenings, endangering the life of the patient. The condition of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome happens in most cases on children often after having a bloody diarrhea, which results from infection with a strand of Escherichia coli (E. coli) (Eddy 2011, p 17). In the case of adult infection, the condition may stem from various causes, including the infection from the E. coli. Among other causes of the condition of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in adults is taking particular types of medication, which then results in dysfunctional kidneys, another infection that affects the lymphatic system and pregnancy. In this case, the pregnancy basis is of concern as the patient presented in the case study developed several symptoms and conditions that linked the condition to a severe case of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. The patient suffered significantly as the maternity reports show that the delivery did not have any complications. Thus, in this case, it is essential to evaluate the conditions she suffered thereafter with respect to her initial pregnan cy status and the process of her delivery. This will aid to establish whether the case is Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome and the therapeutic options available for management of the condition for the patient. In view of the patient and the condition of Oliguria with Protenuria, several aspects connect the condition of the patient to the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, considering that she was coming from the maternity. The factors of pregnancy that relate to the resulting of Oliguria in pregnancy are diverse. For instance, the patient during the process of delivery may suffer excessive loss of body fluid. In such

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cultural Awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Cultural Awareness - Essay Example Understanding the Arab culture remains a fundamental element which could ensure that the entire world gains factual information regarding Arabic practices. Some of the misconceptions have resulted in the Arab world becoming associated with the elements of terrorism occurring around the world. The human terrain system which has been adopted by the United States’ military seeks to utilise social science practices in understanding the cultural practices of Arabs4. The implementation of this programme could be essential in enabling the western world to change the common misconceptions held by the populations regarding the Arab world. The growing political tension between the western and Arab world could become eased through the findings of these anthropological researches. The concept plays a fundamental role in increasing Arab cultural awareness through enhanced cultural knowledge of the populations residing in the Arab world5. Involvement of anthropologists within the programme can also enhance the understanding of the western culture by the

The Legal Implication of Job Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Legal Implication of Job Analysis - Essay Example Task-oriented approach of job analysis states that the approach is concerned with the performance of the employees with regard to respective tasks assigned to them in order to measure their efficiency and accuracy for improvement (Siddique, 2004). Discuss the legal implication of job analysis The legal laws pertaining to employment in the United States are identified as title VII of the Civil Right Act, i.e. Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972), Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) and American with Disabilities Act (1990). Civil Right Act states that the companies should frame its selection process in such a manner, so that there should not be any kind of cultural diversification and all the employees should enjoy equal rights and opportunities in a company. Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) reveals that the company should have a proper design and guidelines for their selection process so that every cultured individual can apply for the job available. American with Disabilities Act (1990) relates to the actuality that every company should reserve a certain number of vacancies or seats for the disabled individuals (Oregon State University, 2003). The case Wards Cove Packing Co. vs. Atonio, 490 U.S. 642 (1989), states that a few of the cannery workers belonging to the nonwhite community had filed a law suit in the District Court under Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 against Wards Cove Packing Co for its ‘discriminatory hiring practices’. Furthermore, the court asked the company to â€Å"provide legitimate justification† for continuing the business process further. With regard to the referred case, it can be stated in relation to Johnson that the enterprise should not engage any form of favoritism in their recruiting process because such prejudices could lead to the collapse of the company (Scanlan, 2004). Discuss Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) and its impli cations on acceptable selection procedures According to the US legal law, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978) state certain principles which include the need for uniformity, purpose of guidelines and relation to prior guidelines. Furthermore, need for uniformity can be stated as the Federal government’s desire which is related to the unvarying principles considered in the selection procedure such as questions used in the tests and other selection criteria among others. The other principle, that is the purpose of the guidelines state that these principles have been formulated in order to serve every employer with the same principles. Moreover, the guidelines ensure that the principles are considered as a single set for assisting the employer, labour organisations and employment agencies along with certification boards to abide by the regulations laid down by the Federal government. Additionally, this principle helps to prohibit the practice of inequity i n the selection process such as race, religion, national origin and sex along with colour. Lastly, the aspect of relation to proper guidelines states that the guidelines of the selection procedure pertaining to the employees are based upon certain guiding principles (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1999).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Atomic Bomb Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Atomic Bomb - Research Paper Example Miscamble C.S.C  (Cambridge University Press, 192 pp.) This book focuses on the American use of the atomic bomb and how it affected the result of World War II by exploring the situation and context in which President Truman decided to use the atomic bomb. Miscamble uses archival research and latest scholarship to address the value of the decision to end the war and at the same time writes on the moral premise of such an act. The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki: August 1945 by Dennis D. Wainstok  (Westport: Praeger, 1996. x, 180 pp.) In his book Dennis D.Wainstock, a teacher at the Salem–Tieyko University in Salem, West Virginia, discusses the political aspect and the implications of President Truman’s decision in the backdrop of the last year of World War II, when the Japanese were on the brink of conditional surrender. The author uses important sources e.g. Strategic Bombing Survey interrogations of leading Japanese officials to substantiat e his argument. Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to use the Bomb against Japan by Sean L. Malloy Atomic Tradgedy provides a distinct outlook of the situation in World War II and the decision to drop the atomic bomb. ... In the August of 1945, towards the end of the World War II, the United States of America dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The estimated loss of life within four months after the bombing were more than 80,000 in Hiroshima and 60,000 in Nagasaki, with almost half of the deaths occurring on the first day only.1 To date these bombings have been the only instance of nuclear weapon use in a war. Such an acute episode of mass killing along with its long-term radiological consequence is unprecedented in the wars of the twentieth century. In order to assess the necessity of such an act it is important to analyze the event in the military and political backdrop of the involved nations. In his book ‘The most controversial decision’ Miscamble provides a persuasive argument behind the rationale to bomb Japan. Miscamble states in the book that â€Å"the time has come at long last to explode permanently the myth of a Japan ready to surrender.à ¢â‚¬ 2Although Germany had already surrendered Japan was providing fierce resistance to the Allied forces. The Americans had suffered huge losses in the battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa and now they had to prepare for more losses which would be incurred during the invasion of Japan. Many in America’s military regime were ready to bend their initial war aim and accept a conditional surrender by the Japanese but the latter’s minimum demand was that their emperor system should remain intact. This was unacceptable to the Americans as President Truman believed that the root of Japan’s militarism was their imperialist government. Furthermore negotiations with the Japanese would take months which would provide Japan enough time to strengthen their

Sunday, August 25, 2019

SC1067C Trends in Contemporary Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

SC1067C Trends in Contemporary Society - Essay Example It is sad but true that one out of five in the Britain's population is affected by poverty. Nearly Thirteen million people live below poverty line in the UK. That is a massive amount to be dealt by government and non-governmental organisations. A new report estimates that over five million people live in absolute poverty in Britain. The survey took its definition of absolute poverty from a 1995 United Nations statement which defines it as "a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs." The UN statement defined anyone lacking three or more of the following items as living in absolute poverty: food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and access to social security benefits. "The survey, Breadline Europe: The Measurement of Poverty researched measurements of poverty across the continent and concluded that there were drastic levels of increase of poverty in the UK."(Robert Stevens, 2001) As per Oxfam, an NGO working towards elimination of poverty in Britain, "3.8 million children in the UK are living in poverty. 2.2 million, pensioners in the UK are living in poverty. 7.2 million, working age adults in the UK are living in poverty. 70% of Bangladeshi children in the UK are poor. Women are the majority in the poorest groups. London has a higher proportion of people living in poverty than any other region in the UK." These statistics are shocking but true. The UK is trying hard to fight against the social stigma called poverty. The question arises that what poverty means in the UK. An average family affected by poverty does not have enough to eat, unable to heat their homes, does not have adequate warm clothing, and enough money to cope with unforeseen events. They are struggling more than the rest of us to get a proper education, a decent job and make real choices about what they want to do with their lives. And to top it off, most of them face situations where they are being looked down upon and discriminated because of their situation. Poverty in the UK exists alongside high economic prosperity in a wealthy country. This has lead to large disparities in income and wealth. It has a negative impact on people living on low-incomes. The latest income inequality data for the UK suggests that over the last decade inequality has been pretty much unchanged. Analysis from the Office of National Statistics says the UK's Gini coefficient, which is an internationally accepted measure for measuring inequalities in household income, climbed in 2005/06 after falling between 2001 and 2005. The reason is more unequal distribution of earnings from employment and self-employment, rather than a result of changes in taxes and benefits payments. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) has investigated some of the possible explanations for the higher level of inequality that has persisted since the late 1980s. They include an increase in the gap between wages for skilled and unskilled workers, perhaps because of technology change; the decline in trade union power; and falling participation in the labour market by male workers (who are higher paid on average than female workers). Poverty is caused by circumstances beyond an individual's control like gender, nationality, ethnic origin etc. All over the world, women and people from ethnic minority groups are likely to be poorer than the general population. The same is true in the UK. As per Oxfam, "Sixty-nine per cent of Bangladeshi and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Preservation of Green Spaces in Urban Areas Research Paper

Preservation of Green Spaces in Urban Areas - Research Paper Example Invasion into the urban free space is inevitable; human population have resorted to finding alternative spaces for economic and social pursuit in areas otherwise meant to preserve the green spaces. In so doing, the original and intended purpose of such places lose value and meaning. Vegetation clearing on the parks, coupled with worldwide waste management ignorance is threatening to veil the aesthetic and biophysical value accorded such spaces. Such spaces, if not adequately managed and maintained would not only undermine their sustainability but also lead to loss of urban artistic image and value. Global environmental changes also attribute to such forms of negligence as prolonged or unabated loss of urban vegetation cover. There is a strong indicator that urban free space holds a significant role in the biophysical cycles that determine socio-economic, political, and social directions on a global scale. However, degradation of such free spaces may also occur naturally. For instance, the impacts of climate change and the global warming exacerbate deterioration of urban free space in terms of both quantity and quality. It would call upon collective responsibility from both the government or local authorities and members of the public to ensure restoration, management, and preservation of urban green spaces. Various factors contribute to losing of urban green spaces all over the world. Most of such factors majorly revolve around and mainly emanate from anthropogenic activities such as agriculture, industrialization, and urban expansions. Soil pollution is a major vice negatively affecting the green spaces that exist all over the world especially in highly developed countries of the world. Most cities and towns exhibit heavy soil and land pollution owing to intensive industrial processes, chemical spillages, and construction activities. In America, the situation is similar since it is one

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of modern Western social Evolutionism Essay

Impact of modern Western social Evolutionism - Essay Example Even after Buddhism stopped to be the key religion of India, there was prolonged influence of development of material culture in china. Majority of the Buddhist scriptures and philosophers eliminated the existence with great enthusiasm and anxiety. The believers embraced the existing objects and doctrines as a way of expressing their religious beliefs. Majority of the Chinese in the communities tended to reject the roles which seemed to be indifferent (Morreall, John, and Tamara 32). Buddhism was preferable as it was antithetical to Daoism, which was the main religion in China. The major difference was the fact that Daoism started and inculcated harmony while Buddhism was aimed at mastering the internal world. The Chinese aspect was diverse from the religion of the Central Asian travelers and their religions. Concepts such as monasticism and personal spiritual enlighten directly contradicted the Confucian ethics that governed the family and emperors. The Chinese officials questioned how the monk’s personal attainment benefited the empire at whole. Buddhism has transformed into a system that exists and is advantageous among the Chinese way of life. Hence, the Indian sutras have managed to advocate for the filial piety which makes up the main text of china’s monarchial system (Morreall, John, and Tamara 41).... The Red River Delta was used as efficient impede due to the successful trade of the Chinese millennium. There were numerous goods and ideas that were brought by the Vietnamese. Buddhism was brought from India, and during most of the periods a lot of people embraced Buddhism and adopted the indigenous religions and world values. As the Red River Delta thrived, the population began to grow southwards towards the narrow coastal regions (Morreall, John, and Tamara 46). The Vietnamese settlers flooded into the untilled lands and turned them into rice plantations. The inability of ruling the Le dynasty or deal with other predicaments resulted to the partitioning of the country by nobility in the sixteenth century. The Chinese constructed roads and harbors where the government derived their revenue through the public works project to facilitate the administration of new territories. Agriculture was enhanced through the advancement of irrigation methods and the use of plough and animals, the se innovations had been noticed among the Vietnamese who had practiced in a lower scale. When new lands were initiated for agriculture, majority of the Chinese settlers eventually intermarried with the Vietnamese and together they formed and settled on their homeland. During the first and second centuries, there was the rise of the Han Viet class that conveyed large portions of rice plantations (Morreall, John, and Tamara 51). The Vietnamese had settled in China and adopted their society and languages. The Chinese vocabulary and practical words were used in their new generation and culture. During the second A.D, there occurred a rebellion that was a result of the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

SUMMARY OF Indolence of the Filipinos Essay Example for Free

SUMMARY OF Indolence of the Filipinos Essay The essay itself originally appeared in the Filipino forthrightly review, La Solidaridad, of Madrid, in five installments, running from July 15 to September 15, 1890. It was a continuation of Rizals campaign of education in which he sought by blunt truths to awaken his countrymen to their own faults at the same time that he was arousing the Spaniards to the defects in Spains colonial system that caused and continued such shortcomings. (Craig, 1913) PART 1 ï‚ § indolence – misused in the sense of little love for work and lack of energy ï‚ § indolence does exist among the Filipinos ï‚ § examine the causes based on facts before proposing a remedy ï‚ § climate – factor for being indolent o â€Å"A hot, climate requires of the individual quiet and rest, just as cold incites to labor and action. † o â€Å"A man can live in any climate, if he will only adapt himself to its requirements and conditions.† ï‚ § Working hours of Filipinos (tenants) vs. Spanish Official and Landlords ï‚ § Tendency to indolence is very natural. ï‚ § Effect of misgovernment PART 2 ï‚ § analogy of physician( friars, Spanish government) , patient(Philippines), illness (indolence) ï‚ § indolence as a chronic illness o â€Å"Indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but not a hereditary one† Before the arrival of Spaniards, Malayan Filipinos raised on an active trade, not only among themselves but also with other neighboring countries (evidence that Filipinos were not indolent) ï‚ § an illness will worsen if the wrong treatment is given. ï‚ § â€Å"How is it that the Filipino people, so fond of its customs as to border on routine, has given up its ancient habits of work, of trade, of navigation, etc., even to the extent of completely forgetting its past?† PART 3 ï‚ § enumerates several reasons that may have caused the Filipinos cultural and economic corruption ï‚ § wars: conflict among Spaniards, natives and Moros ï‚ § invasion of Pirates o Results: diminished number of native Filipinos ï‚ § forced labor : Filipinos were sent abroad to fight for Spain or shipyards to construct vessels ï‚ § Some Filipinos hide in the forest and mountains and abandoned their farm lands (because of fear) ï‚ § â€Å"Still they struggled a long time against indolence, yes: but their enemies were so numerous that at last they gave up! PART 4 ï‚ §Ã¯â‚¬  Ã¯â€š  Ã¯â€š  Cut-off of trading ï‚ § Monopoly ï‚ § Abuse of land lords (ecnomenderos) o Permission to labor (KASAMA System) ï‚ § Absence of encouragement from the government o no aid for poor crops o does not seek market for its products ï‚ § Wrong teaching: o Why work? If the rich man will not go to heaven. o False teaching of church o Gambling – promise of sudden wealth ï‚ § Discrimination on education ï‚ § Spaniards insisted to Filipinos: o â€Å"The Filipino is convinced that to get happiness it is necessary for him to lay aside his dignity as a rational creature, to attend mass, to believe what is told him, to pay what is demanded of him, to pay and forever to pay; to work, suffer and be silent, without aspiring to anything, without aspiring to know or even to understand Spanish,without separating himself from his carabao, as the priests shamelessly say, without protesting against any injustice, against any arbitrary action, against an assault, against an insult; that is, not to have heart, brain or spirit: a creature with arms and a purse full of gold theres the ideal native!† ï‚ § Yet Filipinos still have inspirations, he thinks and strive to rise. PART 5 ï‚ § causes of indolence can be reduced to two factors(emerged from the people) o limited training and education of Filipino native †¢ developed inferiority o lack of a national sentiment of unity among them †¢ â€Å"A man in the Philippines is only an individual; he is not a member of a nation.† ï‚ § education and liberty is the key to solve this issue. The Indolence of the Filipinos: Analysis La Indolencia de los Filipinos, more popularly known in its English version, The Indolence of the Filipinos, is a exploratory essay written by Philippine national hero Dr. Jose Rizal, to explain the alleged idleness of his people during the Spanish colonization. SUMMARY. The Indolence of the Filipinos is a study of the causes why the people did not, as was said, work hard during the Spanish regime. Rizal pointed out that long before the coming of the Spaniards, the Filipinos were industrious and hardworking. The Spanish reign brought about a decline in economic activities because of certain causes: First, the establishment of the Galleon Trade cut off all previous associations of the Philippines with other countries in Asia and the Middle East. As a result, businesswas only conducted with Spain through Mexico. Because of this, the small businessesand handicraft industries that flourished during the pre-Spanish period gradually disappeared. Second, Spain also extinguished the natives’ love of work because of the implementation of forced labor. Because of the wars between Spain and other countries in Europe as well as the Muslims in Mindanao, the Filipinos were compelled to work in shipyards, roads, and other public works, abandoning agriculture, industry, and commerce. Third, Spain did not protect the people against foreign invaders and pirates. With no arms to defend themselves, the natives were killed, their houses burned, and their lands destroyed. As a result of this, the Filipinos were forced to become nomads, lost interest in cultivating their lands or in rebuilding the industries that were shut down, and simply became submissive to the mercy of God. Fourth, there was a crooked system of education, if it was to be considered aneducation. What was being taught in the schools were repetitive prayers and other things that could not be used by the students to lead the country to progress. There were no courses in Agriculture, Industry, etc., which were badly needed by thePhilippines during those times. Fifth, the Spanish rulers were a bad example to despise manual labor. The officials reported to work at noon and left early, all the while doing nothing in line with their duties. The women were seen constantly followed by servants who dressed them and fanned them – personal things which they ought to have done for themselves. Sixth, gambling was established and widely propagated during those times. Almost everyday there were cockfights, and during feast days, the government officials and friars were the first to engange in all sorts of bets and gambles. Seventh, there was a crooked system of religion. The friars taught the naà ¯ve Filipinos that it was easier for a poor man to enter heaven, and so they preferred not to work and remain poor so that they could easily enter heaven after they died. Lastly, the taxes were extremely high, so much so that a huge portion of what they earned went to the government or to the friars. When the object of their labor was removed and they were exploited, they were reduced to inaction. Rizal admitted that the Filipinos did not work so hard because they were wise enough to adjust themselves to the warm, tropical climate. â€Å"An hour’s work under that burning sun, in the midst of pernicious influences springing from nature in activity, is equal to a day’s labor in a temperate climate.† ANALYSIS It is important to note that indolence in the Philippines is a chronic malady, but not a hereditary one. Truth is, before the Spaniards arrived on these lands, the natives were industriously conducting business with China, Japan, Arabia, Malaysia, and other countries in the Middle East. The reasons for this said indolence were clearly stated in the essay, and were not based only on presumptions, but were grounded on fact taken from history. Another thing that we might add that had caused this indolence, is the lack of unity among the Filipino people. In the absence of unity and oneness, the people did not have the power to fight the hostile attacks of the government and of the other forces of society. There would also be no voice, no leader, to sow progress and to cultivate it, so that it may be reaped in due time. In such a condition, the Philippines remained a country that was lifeless, dead, simply existing and not living. As Rizal stated in conclusion, â€Å"a man in the Philippines is an individual; he is not merely a citizen of a country.† It can clearly be deduced from the writing that the cause of the indolence attributed to our race is Spain: When the Filipinos wanted to study and learn, there were no schools, and if there were any, they lacked sufficient resources and did not present more useful knowledge; when the Filipinos wanted to establish their businesses, there wasn’t enough capital nor protection from the government; when the Filipinos tried to cultivate their lands and establish various industries, they were made to pay enormous taxes and were exploited by the foreign rulers. It is not only the Philippines, but also other countries, that may be called indolent, depending on the criteria upon which such a label is based. Man cannot work without resting, and if in doing so he is considered lazy, they we could say that all men are indolent. One cannot blame a country that was deprived of its dignity, to have lost its will to continue building its foundation upon the backs of its people, especially when the fruits of their labor do not so much as reach their lips. When we spend our entire lives worshipping such a cruel and inhumane society, forced upon us by aliens who do not even know our motherland, we are destined to tire after a while. We are not fools, we are not puppets who simply do as we are commanded – we are human beings, who are motivated by our will towards the accomplishment of our objectives, and who strive for the preservation of our race. When this fundamental aspect of our existence is denied of us, who can blame us if we turn idle?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What Is Dry Needling Essay Example for Free

What Is Dry Needling Essay Recently, Physical Therapists have been seeking to incorporate what is being named Dry Needling into their patient treatment regimens. Dry Needling is indistinguishable from acupuncture, yet is often based on two or three day seminars, featuring only 16 to 24 hours of classroom education with no needle technique clinical internship training being included. Is Dry Needling the same as Acupuncture? â€Å"Yes,† according to all major state and national organizations involved in the certification, professional representation and educational development of the field of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) states â€Å"It is the position of the CCAOM that any intervention utilizing dry needling is the practice of acupuncture, regardless of the language utilized in describing the technique.† 1 Medicare agrees. â€Å"The only code for Medicare that would cover something like dry -needling would be an acupuncture code,† said Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Doyle .† Will Dry Needling practice affect Acupuncture practice? Patients do not discern between types of needling treatments. When a patient receives a therapy involving needling, their perception is that they have received acupuncture. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without adequate classroom and clinical education, the experience of acupuncture is not optimal. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without needling technique education, without Clean Needle Technique certification, and without needle technique clinical internship, the experience of needling can be hazardous. Adversely performed acupuncture negatively impacts all those practitioners who are licensed to practice acupuncture. Negative patient feedback especially affects the availability of new patients for Licensed Acupuncturists. It makes good business sense for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to safeguard, protect and regulate the teaching and practice of their chosen healing art, Acupuncture. Coalition for Safe Acupuncture Practice seeks to inform and warn the public of the healthcare hazards and the potential for serious injury that exists in undergoing Dry Needling treatment by any healthcare practitioners, including Physical Therapists, who are not also fully trained and licensed as Acupuncturists.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Damage to the Environment Due To Living Standards

Damage to the Environment Due To Living Standards Damage to environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvement in the standard of living â€Å"The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing that we all share.† —Lady Bird Johnson. The highly development of science and technology thing effects the living standard a lot. Nowadays people suffer from so many problems for instance air pollution, the explosive expansion of population and the deterioration of environment. The environment is formed of the land, air and water in which people, animals and plants live. A lot of changes take place in environment daily. Such environmental changes are affecting a persons life. Pollution is the most important factor that makes environment dirty by adding harmful substance to it. Pollution make imbalance in the environment and also in human beings life. It is the common problem or we can say it is the crisis situation which is suffering by all the world. The main types of pollutions are water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and land pollution which continuously pollutes our surrounding. So here I would like to put the light on this matter that how media, public and government put their efforts for solving the environ mental issues. some people says that the damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of economics development . To begin with, let us know what are the causes of environment. The causes are firstly over population, the growing population has resulted in over use of the natural resources like tree, land, water, air, petroleum etc. Secondly, the cutting down of more and more trees causing forest area decreasing and species are extinct. During the process of mining people cut forests on a large scale and degrade the land as well as forests. The farmers also adopting shift farming techniques due to which they cuts down the forest land. In shift farming technique, farmers cut a small piece of forest land for cultivation. They grow crops in that land for a short time(i.e. for 3 to 4 months) and then cut their crops. Then they move to another place in the forest and cut trees for another crops. this shifting up of farming is known as shift farming. Due to this reasons the whole food ecosystem of forest disturbs and leads to the extinction of species. Cutting down of trees also lead to climatic change s and emission of green house gases. Another cause which adversely affected the environment is industrial development and green revolution .Many large scale industries emit harmful gases which causes many diseases such as lung cancer, skin cancer and asthma problems To add on further, there are also other causes of pollution ie depletion of ozone layer. Due to increase in the quality of CHLORO FLOURO carbons, the ozone layer depleting. Ozone layer protect us from the ultra violet rays which are coming from the sun. This layer absorbs the UV rays and protect us. As the smoke coming out from vehicles and industries, refrigeration and air conditions and use of harmful products slowly being destroy ozone layer. The depilation of the ozone layer could result in skin diseases and also have a great effect on our eyes .However, the increase in pollution has resulted in global warming. The sudden rise in the average temperature of air and sea on earths surface is known as global warming. There are so many causes of global warming. When oil, gas, fossil fuels and coal burns, the carbon in it combines with air and which increase the temperature of air and sea on the earth surface. In developed countries, coal is used in a huge level to produce electricity .So when coal burns it produces lot of harmful gases which was absorbed in the oxygen and air .In Australia and England the greenhouse gasses mostly comes from the burning of fossil fuels and coal as both are the main source to produce electricity. It is recorded that Australia uses 77% of coal to produce electricity. Because of this reason the ice-caps in the Polar regions would melt and it would result in the rise of the water level of seas and oceans. A time will come when the whole earth submerge in water. At last, due to overgrazing, soil erosion, acid rain, landslides, volcanic eruption pollutes the environment. we know Their is no doubt that there are number of causes which are the huge problem for the environment. But now there is need of sustainable development Today in this era, with the efforts of our young generation, scientific techniques, public, media and the rules of the government playing a significant role to not eradicate but handle the problems of our environment . Out of these, media plays a vital role in the field of environmental issues .2In developed countries and urban areas, the use of print, broadcast and internet media can be a great way to increase education and awareness by working with the media, government agencies and non profit organizations can help spread their message, either by holding press briefings, issuing printed press releases, or even setting up online databases that can be used as information centres. Information centres can also help to both the public and journalists about environmental issues. Media also arrange awareness programs in rural area where people are illiterate and do not know about how to save our environment. They can also make some small movies in which they can send message to society for saving our environment, make some agendas like save water and plant more trees. They must contain some knowledge about agriculture so that they can use appropriate methods and techniques instead the use of fertili sers and pesticides which pollute not even the crops but land also. The main purpose of media is firstly, they provide the news about the problems which are facing the people in the world. Another motive is, to helps to educate the people about environmental issue by creating educational campaigns, rescue operations, programs like dramas and serial which helps the people to aware. Furthermore, 30% of the worlds population is under the age of eighteen, according to UNEO, which is why educating children and young adults about environmental problems is crucial to long-term success. This will help them foster a sense of responsibility so that when they becomes adults they will make choices that help the environment rather than harm it. Many school, however, do not currently teach their students about environmental issues. Integrating environmental education into current science classes or teaching environmental science as a separate discipline is one of the best ways to educate children and teens about environmental problems, particularly if the classes involve some sort of hands on learning, like to make small gardens and watering the plants or caring for an animal3.Public should know about the environmental issues and put some steps to clean and save our environment. Celebrities should also put their efforts and participates openly with the public to aware them. People should complained to police if someone in their locality pollutes the environment. Every person in this world have to put some efforts and performed hisher duty to solve this problem. Like a forestation should be done on large scale and people should use public vehicle instead of private vehicles. Water treatment plants should be installed in all industrial areas. Garbage should be thrown in proper place. Water which we used for washing vegetables may be used to watering the plants in the garden. Hunting should be banned for the safety of animals. Last but not the least, reduce, reuse and recycle should be our mantra Instead of it, government can also play unique identity in improving the environmental issues in every country such as there should be strict law if people pollute environment. If some pollute the environment, then fines would be charged so that they cant ever repeat the same mistake in future. Environment education should be compulsory in all the fields of educ ation. Laws for industrial units should be strictly implemented so that polluted water is not disposed off directly into rivers and lakes .So Government should also ban the use of plastic bags. In all rural areas there should be proper sewerage and purifier water treatment plants for saving the water. Wildlife sanctuaries should be established for the protection of animals and forests. By winding up the idea, it seems to me that environmental problem is the worrying concern and individuals have a primary role in joining hands with the government in saving environment. Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to cope up with these problems. Gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a serious effects on the planet in the future. so our life is in our hands we have to think before use. References: warming(only definition)- 2, 3-in this i use my 1st semester book ie environmental studies

Growth Impairment of the Fetal Nervous System by Nicotinic Stimulation

Growth Impairment of the Fetal Nervous System by Nicotinic Stimulation The resources on this particular topic were minute. In fact, only two articles were obtained Therefore due to the lack of compiling information, all of the following text should be attributed to the sources listed The maternal utilization of tobacco substances during pregnancy gives rise to growth retardation and an array of neurobehavior defects in the offspring. Although concurrent exposure of the fetus to hypoxia and ischemia are major contributors to the developmental effects of smoking in man, or of injected nicotine in animals, recent studies using slow infusions of nicotine strongly suggest that nicotine affects fetal and neonatal development. Due to the action of nicotine via neurotransmitter receptors in the nervous system) the sensitivity of the developing brain is displayed in the disruption of cellular development and blunting of neural activity in central and peripheral catecholaminergic systems (Navarro et al, p894). Many of the developmental abnormalities seen with prenatal nicotine exposure resemble those obtained through enhancement of cholinergic neuronal activity through dietary manipulations. Endogenous cholinergic input has been shown to control cellular development in cerebral cortex, the same region found to be highly sensitive to perturbations caused by nicotine or by high dietary choline. Thus, the effects of nicotine may represent the simulation of a natural developmental signal, but at an inappropriate time. A current study examines the potential interaction of prenatal nicotine exposure with the development of cholinergic neurotransmitter systems in different brain regions (Navarro et al’ p894). The experimentation o... ...aring" course of action, wherein damage to a developing fetus by malnutrition, drugs and toxic chemicals has less of an growth impairment on the nervous system than the rest of the fetus (Navarro et. al., p191) Works Cited: Navarro, H.A., Seidler, F.J., Schwartz, R-D., Maker, E.E., Dobbins, S-S, and Slotkin, T.A. Prenatal Exposure to Nicotine Impairs Nervous System Development at a Dose Which Does Not Affect Viability or Growth. Brain Research Bulletin, Vol. 23, pp. 137-192, 1989. Navarro, H-A., Seidler, F.J., Eylersk, J-P., Baker, F.E., Dobbins, S.S., Lappi, S.E., and Slotkin, T.A. Effects of Prenatal Nicotine Exposure on Development of Central and Peripheral Cholinergic Neurotransmitter Systems. Evidence for Cholinergic Trophic Influences in Developing Brain. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 251. No.3, pp. 894-399, 1989.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lord of the Flies Essay -- Analysis, WIlliam Golding

Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a story about a band of British boys that crash land on a deserted island, with no adults anywhere to be found. They are left to fend for themselves as order comes to an end and the island swallows them whole. Two key and complex symbols in this story are a conch shell and fire. The conch is a tool Ralph and Piggy, two boys on the island, find in the beginning of the story while searching for other boys that may have survived the crash. The fire is a way for the boys to stay â€Å"warm and safe† while they are on the island. As the young British boys become more aware of the dangers on the island, the conch and fire’s physical and symbolic manifestations change as life on the island begins to fall apart. In the beginning, the conch symbolized a way of holding onto the boys’ school life. When the conch was blown and the powerful sound echoed throughout the island, Piggy claimed, â€Å"I bet you can hear this for miles† (17). Just as Piggy said this, children started to appear among the palms in the forest. The conch that called them together portrayed the kids’ school bell. It made most of them feel safe when they were confused about what was might happen to them. The conch also brought order to the boys on the island. â€Å"We’ll have rules† â€Å"I’ll give the conch to the person next to me. He can hold it when he’s speaking.†(33). Without adults they were forced to create rules for themselves because order would have to be kept on the island until they were saved. At their school order was everything and they wanted to keep that order and thought of safety. The conch gave them a feeling of home and hope of getting off the island. To increase their feeling of safety on the island the boys decided to... ...he difference between a pig or a human anymore. What did he use to kill a pig? Fire. And now, it was exactly what he was going to use for Ralph. They wanted to smoke him out and set the island on fire (197). The fire consumed the forest and darkness had taken over for good. The fire left nothing behind but the memory of what had happened on the island. The fire and the conch started out bright, full of life and gave the boys confidence and a feeling of home. As life falls apart on the island, the fire grows stronger and rich in color and the conch grows weaker and dull. When the conch breaks, society and any faith in order comes to an end. In the end, fire consumes everything and the hope for survival comes to a close. The complex concepts of fire and the conch changed along with the boys’ life on the island and in a way led them to their ultimate downfall.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Essay -- Psychology, Mental Health

Everyone has experienced emotions such as anxiety, fear, and worry; they are a part of everyday life. These reactions are normal and healthy; they typically don't come too often, and when they do, they don't last very long. However, the United States Health and Human Services Department (1998) estimates there is about 3.2 million Americans that suffer from a psychological anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Those who suffer from this condition have frequent upsetting and unreasonable thoughts, worries, or fears. The Harvard Mental Health Letter (1998) notes that: â€Å"The most common obsessional theme is cleanliness (dirt and germs), followed by aggression and sex, safety, and order or symmetry. Obsessions may take the form of doubts (has something happened to my child?); fears (something might happen to the child); images (I see the child drowning); or impulses (I fear that I am going to harm the child)† (para. 13). In an attempt to control these obsessional themes, they perform one or more ritualistic behaviors or mental acts called compulsions. Unfortunately, these behaviors only relieve the intrusive thoughts and feelings for a short time, before coming back and ultimately, trapping those with this condition in a pattern of repetitive obsessions and senseless compulsions. Symptoms of OCD are numerous, they include: Repeated touching, checking or counting; avoidance or adherence to certain numbers; excessive washing or cleaning; and hoarding. Karno (1998) found that â€Å"At some time during their lives, often during their late teens or twenties, 2 to 3 percent of people cross [the] line from normal preoccupations and fussiness to debilitating disorder† (as cited in Myers, 2011, p. 463-464). Many individuals ... ... their thoughts to a point where they can tolerate behavioral therapy and live somewhat of a normal life'† (Kato, 1992). Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a difficult condition to overcome. â€Å"A 40-year follow-up study of 144 Swedish people diagnosed with the disorder found that, for most, the obsessions and compulsions had gradually lessened, though only 1 in 5 had completely recovered (Skoog & Skoog, 1999)† (as cited in Myers). It can take months or years, to get OCD under control and in fact, it may never go away. However, celebrities such as Howard Hughes, Howie Mandel, and David Beckham all suffer from this disorder, and are able to keep it under control and happen to maintain successful careers and live a relatively normal life. They are proof to the millions of OCD stricken Americans that the counting, the cleaning, the hoarding, can eventually be controlled.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reasons of K Pop Popularity Among Filipino Teenager Essay

The Korean popular music, or the Korean pop or simply k pop is a musical genre consisting of electronic hip hop, pop rock, and R&B music originating in South Korea. Huyhn (2011) defined k pop as for Korean pop music that covers a wide variety of contemporary music including pop, hip hop, and R&B, dance-pop. Bubblegum pop, house, electro pop, and techno. Due to the big wave of success, k pop became so popular not only in South Korea but also to other parts of the world especially here in the Philippines. Numerous k pop groups like shinee, 4 minute, ft islands, super junior, ukiss, best, kim hyun joong and rain visited the Philippines to perform. In addition, more than two thousand k pop fans gathered for the first ever Philippine k pop convention held in the Philippine international convention center last December 10, 2009 (Alanzalon, 2011). As the idols or the Korean artist has their own groups, fans also their own groups, that the fans make group for talking about their idols, share some information about this artist etc. meaning this groups only showing their love for their idols. Filipinos most teenagers do like Koreans not only with their popular music’s and artist but also the culture. As Neigoff (1994), studied that Koreans are actually and varcially homogeneous people. They have a common language and like the Chinese and the Japanese there are mongoloid descent. Koreans are known as using chopsticks for solid foods rather than spoon and pork. As here in the Philippines the main dish I or the favorite dish is adobo, in Korean their most popular dish is kimchi that is consider as diet typical dishes. Korean is not closely related I any other modern language, spoken Korean is soft and lifting (Neigoff, 1994). Truly that most Filipino teenage have their in cell Phone, mp3, pc, the songs of Korean. It doesn’t matter to them if their pronunciation of the song is not correct, as long as they know the tune of it. Most Filipinos sang the Korean songs without even know what is the meaning of it. Culture Invasion Villoja & Lucceanne (2011) says in a periodical that Korean started entering the music industry more than $ 400,000 just to train and launched a new artist, and to guarantee the probability of their success. From solo act of taeyang of wedding dress song and boy bands such as super junior and beast, and girl groups as wonder girls that hit the # 1 spot in US billboard hot 100 chart with the single album of â€Å"nobody†, each of them was brought nice songs and dance moves that truly love most Filipinos. Korean brought and keeps (Villoja & Lucceanne, 2011) on bringing not only music but also entertainment at its best doing not just singing but also must to learn dance moves. Popularity of Korea takes by the k pop music and k pop artist, why do Filipinos loves Korean music in spite of the language barrier? Korean influence Filipinos from hip hop and R&B. As Poole (2012) says in magazine k pop is going to be k hop. Now k hop is getting in on the act like big bang and 2ne1 and others. You can find fans doing dance cover for their favorite k pop stars all around you tube k pop stars hit songs usually have dance moves that are intriguing yet simple inviting viewers to dance along (Zestya, 2011). In Korean music, there are at least few steps that are so catchy that makes fans do move and dance it. Another thing why k pop music is so popular in Philippines is because of the theme song of what in Filipino called â€Å"koreanovelas†. ABS-CBN and GMA, and other networks, tagalized the movies or teleserye from Korean language to tagalong, is the reason why do Filipinos love it. The music of the koreanovelas or what we called OST is also tagalized, like for example, â€Å"pagibig na kaya† from princess hours, â€Å"I believe† from sassy girl and â€Å"I think I love you† from the teleserye full house. Nowadays, k pop just keeps on hitting the local charts, although tagalized version are not that anymore (Villoja & lucceanne, 2011). Most Filipino teens’ especially girls do like Korean because of the artist, artist of music, and artist in koreanovelas. Name people that don’t love has various talents? No one. â€Å"A lot of k pop Idol stars are known as singer an dancer (Zestya, 2011) but also as actress or actor. asa example is Kim hyun joong, first known as a member group F4 in boys over flowers, and also can dance and sing as a member of SS501 but now a solo dancer and singer artist in Korea. Ridiculously Gorgeous Physique I know, we’re talking about music. Why does the physique of the singer should matter? But let’s face it, for every Susan Boyle and Paul Potts around, there are more Justin Bieber and Britney Spears type of successful musician out there. The same case applies in K-Pop music. Most K-Pop Idol Groups that are well known all around the world consists of handsome boys and pretty girls. Whatever image they’re portraying, whether it’s cute and sweet or cool and fierce, they seem like they just jumped out of the newest manga series. They look good in black, blonde, brown, and even blue, silver, and even pink hair. In a time where music videos travel around the world in a second, appearance does matter. Especially when you’re in a group that consists of 7, 9, or even 13 members and your singing part isn’t that much to begin with. Never mind the fact that some of these idols went under the knife to improve their appearance. Hollywood stars are doing it, so why can’t they? (Zestya, 2011). K pop artist are popular In the Philippines of course because of fans. The idolization of Filipino fans to their idol Korean star are exceptionally dedicated. Most Filipino fans are local to their idols, they do like a stalker just to see them, to touch and to say hello to them, only one reply like â€Å"hi† is enough for them that why fans are exceptionally love their Idols. Popular boy band groups Lets start with super junior, the group is a thirteen member, but this active members are down to nine, the two of them were took in a mandatory military service, the other was took another career. This Korean band was the top Korean group star, each of everyone of them has a good attitudes and one of them is Choi Siwon, that according to other member is almost perfect, he is manly has a great body, kind smart, rich and is devoted Christian, and also good in English skills. Their popular music in the Philippines are like a cute dance moves â€Å"sorry, sorry† a kilig factor song â€Å"no other† and their latest song the â€Å"superman†. U kiss is another Korean group that visited Philippines twice, first is by endorsing their album, that had been popular in MYX music charts the song â€Å"bigeul bigeul†. The group is composed of 7 members but two of them leave the group for the other career but a newly member way take place of it, ukiss stand for â€Å"ubiquitous Korean idol super star†. Ukiss is different to other male group because their near to the fans, no strict security, free hand shake, free picture taking and also makes fans entertain that can say they truly love their fans. Another group is Ze:a that last January visited Philippines for the debut of their album â€Å"watch out†. he group is also known as children of empire that like super junior they consist of 9 member. Aragona (2012) says in a periodical that , screaming girls of the tween and teen demographic? Check, pounding pop music with mostly indecipherable lyrics? Check, pretty boy with skin so clear that could be endorsers for top skin care branch? Check, said boys sporting hairstyles that defy the laws of Newton? Check. Popular girl groups and artist Wonder girls is the first Korean artist that hit the # 1 spot in US billboard hot chart that is so popular in Philippines, singing in â€Å"videoke†, dancing in everywhere no other song as â€Å"nobody†. The 2ne1 that makes popular in Philippines because of sandarac park (dara park) that is an artist here in Philippines before she began a member of 2ne1. The girls generation that usually may be the couple of super junior because of common number of members. The girls generation or â€Å"so nyu shi dae† (snsd) in Korea GG, became popular because they are all talented with a nice style of clothing and hair that hit the filipina teenagers. The explosion of Korean pop on local radio, television and the internet is the second wave of hanryu, the so-called â€Å"Korean wave† that started seven or eight years ago with the local TV. Since then Korean companies have been exporting Korean pop culture even more aggressively (and with more marketing savvy) to Asia and beyond: movies, TV programs, music videos, recordings and live concerts. We used to buy their cars and home appliances, now we also buy their entertainment. (Caruncho, 2010). In conclusion most Filipino teenagers do love k pop because of their nice culture that is truly hooked up the hearts of many Filipinos, not only with the teens but also their parents do love k pop. It is true that if you are k pop you’ve never stop as the teens’ did to their idol stars. (Alanzalon,2011), the study my become the basis of Koreans entertainment companies to recognize the Philippine as a strong potential as a market for their products. The k pop popularity in Philippines is said to be will never stop because majority of tees’ do love and appreciated it. As I summary therefore I conclude that k pop continue hooked the hearts of many Filipinos until the next generation.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Term Papers

MADS 6655. 81 Contemporary Issues in Community Policing Herbert F. Pendleton, EdD Final Exam Select one from each chapter and provide a one paragraph response answering the information requested. Chapter 8 1) Discuss in general rationale for learning â€Å"what works† in criminal justice in general, and for measuring (assessing and evaluating) COPPS initiatives in specific. 2) Describe the major differences between assessments (as defined in the S. A. R. A. problem solving process) and an empirical impact evaluation of a COPPS strategy. ) Explain why the accomplishment of an actual impact evaluation is uniquely challenging for the police agency in terms of one’s knowledge, skills and abilities – and some means for acquiring the services of one who can perform such an evaluation. 4) Describe the kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities that a police officer engaged in COPPS must possess, as well as criteria for assessing an officer’s problem solving perform ance. 5) Explain the benefits of using suyveys for evaluation purposes. 6) Describe the benefits of an agency’s employing the CP-SAT system for its COPPS initiatives.Chapter 9 1) Explain the basic schools of thought as per Knowles and Bloom concerning the concepts of adult – and problem based learning, and apply them to training for COPPS. 2) Describe the characteristics of a learning organization, and why it is important for police agencies to become as such. 3) Delineate the unique challenges that are involved with training police officers. 4) Review how knowledge is imparted at the basic recruit academy as well as with the post academy, in-service, and roll call methods. ) List some kinds of technologies that exist in police training. 6) Detail the means for determining officers’ training needs. Chapter 10 1) Explain in contemporary terms what is meant by diversity. 2) Delineate the historical background of police-minority relations. 3) Review whether or not the criminal justice system discriminates against minorities; include the findings by RAND as well as the perceptions of other notable organizations. 4) Define what is meant by bias-based policing (racial profiling), and explain why it is a destructive practice. ) Define the elements of hate crime, and discuss what measures are being taken by the police to address such acts. 6) Describe some of the cultural customs of people in different nationalities, and discuss why it is important for the police to be aware of those different customs. 7) Explain why it is important for a police agency to be diverse, and provide examples of what some police agencies are doing to enhance their ability to recruit women and minorities. Chapter 11 ) Describe the kinds of strategies that may be employed by police to meet the challenges posed by methamphetamine – and the recent â€Å"shake and bake† form of drug lab – as well as some of the methods used and the hazards faced by the police to identify, eliminate, and clean up clandestine drug labs. 2) Review what research shows works and does not work with regard to street-level drug enforcement, particularly as it concerns crackdowns, community partnerships, and problem-oriented policing. 3) Explain how open-air drug markets operate, what challenges they pose, and what COPPS efforts have done to meet those challenges. ) Explain the problem of prescription drugs, particularly pharmaceutical counterfeiting and â€Å"pharming parties. † 5) Explain how COPPS efforts are being directed toward the identification, prevention, and suppression of gangs. 6) Review the extent and purposes for which graffiti exists, some means by which the problem may be addressed, and how graffiti may be used for intelligence gathering. 7) Explain what some large cities are doing about their crimes of violence in general, and why some of those tactics are controversial. ) Explain what the police can do about dealing with disorderl y conduct by youth in public areas. 9) Describe what can be done to address underage drinking. 10) Review some COPPS approaches to school violence any cyber bullying. Chapter 12 1) Describe the nature and extent of identity theft and some of the ways that the police can attempt to prevent and address it. 2) Explain what is meant by the term â€Å"mental illness,† its nature and extent, contributing factors, and what the police can to cope with it. 3) As with mental llness above, describe the nature and extent of homelessness and some means by which the police can try to cope with it. 4) Review the nature and extent of domestic violence, and how COPPS has affected the approaches to reducing its frequency. 5) Define what is meant by neighborhood disorder, how the economy has contributed to it, and ways COPPS can help to address it. 6) Review the problems surrounding prostitution, and list some means for addressing them. 7) List the four types of stalking situations, and how a C OPPS approach would deal with them. ) Explain how the internet has contributed to criminality, and how social networking sites have a part in those crimes; review the challenges for, and techniques of the police for investigating them. Chapter 13 1) Describe how COPPS efforts have been undertaken in large, medium, and small jurisdictions. 2) Explain how federal and state law enforcement agencies as well as universities are engaging in COPPS activities. Chapter 14 1) Discuss the general system of policing in Canada, including the federal, provincial, and municipal systems. ) Describe the structure and functions of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including its COPPS model, which they termed â€Å"CAPRA. † 3) Explain the police functions and responsibilities in Japan, with particular emphasis on the koban concept. 4) Review the responsibilities of the Australian Federal Police, to include how it serves the rural (ACT) areas. 5) Explain how crime prevention lies at the root of COPPS in both Sweden and France, as well as other similarities of their approach to, and practice of this philosophy. ) Review the role of constables in Great Britain. 7) Explain the five stages in the development of community policing in Hong Kong. Chapter 15 1) Discuss why a futures orientation is important for police executives and supervisors, as well as the national organization that exists to foster the study and practice of that orientation. 2) Provide an explanation of the kinds of â€Å"accelerators† and challenging crimes that the police must be trained to address in the future. 3) Define succession planning and explain why today’s police leaders must engage in that practice. ) Review the concerns of and reasons for some police observers’ beliefs that there is a trend the police to become more federalized and militarized. 5) Explain the authors’ concerns with the language of policing in general, particularly the tendency to use new labels and t o create new eras of policing; include intelligence-led policing and predictive policing in your response. 6) List a summary of the challenges facing the police in the future in order to fully embrace COPPS. Term Papers Additional Questions – Test Strategy Table of Contents 1Purpose3 2About Additional Questions3 3Requirements4 3. 1As-Is and New AQ Features4 AQ As-Is Feature from V14 AQ Additional / Enhanced Feature for V24 ?Create AQ functional Component4 ?AQ FCA linked to Scoring FCA4 ?Create AQ Event by copying an existing event (closed, open, draft & archived)4 ? Invite Supplier4 3. 2AQ High Level Functionality and List of User Stories5 Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the As-Is AQ Functionality5 Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the New AQ Functionality5 4Additional Questions Development6 . 1AQ Feature Development in Releases6 4. 2In Sprint Testing (Blue are new AQ features)6 4. 3System Testing7 4. 4In Sprint Testing Dependencies7 4. 5System Testing Dependencies8 1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to give the overview of the Test Strategy (Approach) for Additional Questions Feature which will be developed and Implemented for V2. This documen t briefs about AQ functionality and its requirements, the development approach, this document also discuss about the various levels of testing AQ as its being developed & the dependencies for testing. About Additional Questions Additional Question is an existing functionality of V1 Accelerate application, hence it’s known as As-Is feature for V2. And also have some additional/enhanced features for V2. This Additional Questions (AQ) is a buyer centric functionality and in V1 AQ is not a common feature which is available for all Buyers. It’s a Bolt-On feature, where a Buyer organisation can opt for this feature by making additional payment. AQ functionality has been developed and implemented in V1 in a way it can be configured for any Buyer Organisation.AQ provides an additional edge to Buyer Organisation where they can ask their intended Questions to a specific set of suppliers of their own interest and short list them upon their response. Using this feature member of a Buyer Organisation, who is having permissions to AQ can create an AQ Event which comprises of a template with questions, and the member can search for suppliers and invite them all or a specific set of suppliers to answer the questions, on or before a dead line date set for the particular AQ event by the member.Buyer user can create AQ Events and save it for feature purpose, existing AQ event can be used by some other Buyer Organisation member and the member can use it as it is or can do some changes before inviting the suppliers. Even the invited AQ events can be reused. Buyer User will be able to add or remove questions to an AQ event. A. Q summary is the last stage of draft event in which the user can preview the whole event and also review it before sending it to the supplier users. Supplier needs to respond to AQ and buyer will rate supplier according.Scoring engine will help AQ to rate Supplier. AQ product needs to be configured by C3 user with all required features. AQ will be added as a component which will be inherited by child product (community). * 3 Requirements Requirements developed as User Stories and reviewed by Products & Services team and approved. Both the existing features (As-Is) and the new V2 specific additional / enhanced features are also covered in user stories. The below table will give the bifurcation of Existing and New features of Additional Questions. . 1 As-Is and New AQ Features * AQ As-Is Feature from V1| * AQ Additional / Enhanced Feature for V2| * Create AQ Template | * Create AQ functional Component| * Create AQ Draft event & review of AQ| * AQ FCA linked to Scoring FCA| * Create AQ Event using AQ Template| * Permission to C3 User for AQ| * Create AQ Event by copying an existing event (closed, open, draft & archived)| * Create & use AQ Library * | * Invite Supplier| * Language Support to AQ| AQ view for GBO | * Buyer assigns scoring to AQ Event| * AQ view for Buyer| * Scoring can be manual or automatic * | * AQ view for Su pplier| * AQ alert to buyer when Current Date + 7 >= End Date| * Modification to AQ Open Event | * Reminder email to supplier who has not responded| * Categorisation of AQ Open Event (Responded, Not Responded, Not Interested)| * Clarification asked by Buyer on AQ supplier response | * AQ Reports| * AQ scoring for each supplier| * | * Comparison of AQ with respect to supplier| * | * Buyer rate & email to supplier on AQ Close Event| * 4. 2 AQ High Level Functionality and List of User Stories * Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the As-Is AQ Functionality Area| Functionality| User Story| GBO| | | | | | | | | Buyer| | | | | | | | | | | | Supplier| | | | | | | | | * Table below gives the mapping of User Stories against the New AQ Functionality Area| Functionality| User Story| GBO | | | | | | | | | Buyer| | | | | | | | | | | | Supplier| | | | | | | | | * 4 V2 Development Strategy 5. 3 Development Approach V2 development is a mix of both Waterfall and Agile development f ramework.The Development of requirements follows waterfall, where as the actual code development will happen in agile methodology. First all the User Stories will be written, reviewed and signed off by the stake holders. Development will follow the high level milestone plan, which comprises of internal releases and Demo Release. Date| 1/Dec/12| 1/Jan/13| 15/Jan/13| 29/Jan/13| 1/Feb/13| 1/Mar/13| 15/Mar/13| 29/Mar/13| Release| Alpha 0. 1| Alpha 0. 2| Alpha 0. 3| Alpha 1. 0| Alpha 1. 1| Alpha 1. 2| Alpha 1. 3| Alpha 2. 0| Purpose| Internal| Internal| Internal| Board| Internal| Internal| Internal| Board|As mentioned above each and every internal release has multiple Iterations for development and the user stories will be allocated to these iterations for development. Within these iterations all the allocated user stories will be developed and tested In-Sprint Testing. 5. 4 AQ Feature Development in Releases As explained above, AQ as feature to be developed for V2 will also follow the s ame development methodology, All User Stories belongs to AQ will first written, reviewed and signed off, and then developed in multiple releases in multiple iterations.The table below will give us the picture of AQ Development in Release and Iteration wise. The Main purpose of the below table is to give clear picture of When AQ feature development will be started and in which release it will developed and delivered 100%. Table below will not give the Start and End dates of either each and every release or Iterations, these dates are available with the development team and ion their plan. Release| Iteration| User Story| Functionality / Area| Internal Release Alpha 0. 1| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | Iteration 4| | | Internal Release Alpha 0. 2| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Internal Release Alpha 0. 3| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Demo Release 1. 0| Iteration 1| | | | Ite ration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Internal Release Alpha 1. 1| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Internal Release Alpha 1. 2| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Internal Release Alpha 1. 3| Iteration 1| | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | Demo Release 2. 0| Iteration 1| | | | Iteration 2| | | | Iteration 3| | | | Iteration 4| | | 5 AQ Test Approach This section describes the test approach for Additional Question by explaining the following. * Testing Scope of Additional Questions * Dependency with other critical V2 functionalities * Integration with Third Party Application Features * Levels of Testing * Test Design & Execution * Test Data Requirements * Functional Automation Testing * Non Functional Testing Scope 6. 5 Scope of Additional QuestionsAdditional Question as feature it spread across all the major areas of V2 application, though it’s Buyer centric feature it’s having scope in C3 (Configuration Control Center), GBO (Global Back Office), SCC (Standard Company Concept) Buyer & Supplier. End to End Perspective From an end to end perspective the AQ functionality testing needs to be started from C3 (may be configuration of AQ – need additional information to complete it) and then SCC-Buyer can create AQ Events and invite Suppliers and then SCC- Suppliers can respond for AQ events.From GBO-User perspective AQ needs to be tested for AQ Dashboard, AQ Reports, etc†¦ (need additional information to complete this section) Non Functional Perspective – Performance Few AQ Features needs to be tested for Performance * AQ template creation with more Questions * Inviting multiple suppliers * Response time of viewing AQ responses * AQ Report Generation for SCC-Buyer & GBO User Multilingual Perspective As Additional Question can be configured for any scheme / community, and we have communities which support more than on e language, AQ needs to be tested in all applicable languages.Cross Browser Perspective As Buyer organisation members and Suppliers can use any browser to access the application, Additional Questions features needs to be tested in multiple browser combinations. Community Specific Additional Questions can be configured for specific communities and as we already have few communities effectively using AQ, all such communities needs to be tested thoroughly AQ feature. Supplier Perspective AQ needs to be thoroughly tested with * Newly Registered Suppliers * Migrated Suppliers 6. 6 Additional Questions Dependency with other Features. AdditionalQuestions is one of the feature in V2 application, this feature has some integration / dependency with some other features of V2 application. This section describes the AQ dependency with such other features of V2. This dependency may play a critical role in AQ testing at functional level and at end to end testing, we may have a work around to bypas s the dependency, where as some feature must be available to test AQ. AQ Feature| Dependent Feature| Dependency level| When This Feature will be Ready| Do we have Work Around| Work Around| Effectiveness of Work Around| Invite Supplier| Search| Very High| ? ? | | ? | | Email Generation| Very High| ? | ? | | ? | | Existing / Migrated Suppliers| High| ? | ? | | ? | All such dependencies for all AQ features needs to be captured in a separate excel sheet and attached to this document. And the Dependencies needs to be discussed with Development team, as we may need their help for some work around or the feature needs to be developed in a priority. This dependency is very critical for test execution. 6. 7 Integration with Third Party Application Features This section needs to be filled in 6. 8 Levels of TestingAdditional Questions will be tested at In-Sprint Testing and System Testing, this section describes what will be covered in In-Sprint Testing and System Testing. In-Sprint Testing In -Sprint Testing is part of development, In-Sprint testing team will work along with Development team for Release and Iterations, user stories assigned to iterations is the scope for development and testing, while development teams starts coding In-Sprint testing team starts test design, when the feature is developed and ready for testing, In-Sprint test team will test the feature and give the result.In-Sprint test team covers Unit, Integration, Continuous Integration and Regression Testing. In-Sprint Unit Testing In unit testing, team checks for the following using Checklists * Field Level Validation of all controls * Boundary Value, Equivalence Partitioning * Page Navigation on Links * Messages (information on control validation, Tool Tips, etc†¦ ) * Page Templates, Company Logo, T&C’s, Copy Right, etc†¦ * Cross Browser – All UI design needs to be validated with all applicable browser combinationsIn-Sprint Integration Testing Team test the features developed integrated with preceded and following features of a feature belongs to same module (Group of requirements, belongs to one user story) within the iteration as the features being developed in iterations. And also the integration of group of requirements developed (one User story) with another group of requirements (another User Story) as iteration is having multiple User stories. In-Sprint test team will write functional test cases to test this integration of features.In-Sprint Continuous Integration Testing Team tests the integration of features developed in multiple iterations, as the features developed across multiple iterations of any release are being continuously integrated together. Team may write separate set of integration test cases for this else they will enhance their existing integration test cases to test this, in an another approach team can group set of individual integration test cases and execute them in an order which covers this continuous integration.In-Sprint R egression Testing Test team executes all the test cases which belongs to earlier release for any successive release, this is to ensure that the new release features are not hampering the existing features already developed and tested and also ensures the integration of features in between two successive release is working fine. Table below gives a picture of Unit, Integration, Continuous Integration & Regression testing for Releases and Iterations.Release| Iteration| User Story| Feature| Testing| | | | | Unit| Integration| Continuous Integration| Regression| Release 1| Iteration 1| User Story 1| Feature 1| Y| Integration of feature 1+2+3+4| Continuous Integration of User Story 1 + 2+ 3| Release 1 TC's Regression Suite for Release 2| | | | Feature 2| Y| | | | | | | Feature 3| Y| | | | | | | Feature 4| Y| | | | | | User Story 2| Feature 5| Y| Integration of feature 5+6+7+8| | | | | | Feature 6| Y| | | | | | | Feature 7| Y| | | | | | | Feature 8| Y| | | | | User Story 3| Feature 9| Y| Integration of feature 9+10| | | | | | Feature 10| Y| | | | | Iteration 2| User Story 4| Feature 11| Y| Integration of feature 11+12+13+14| Continuous Integration of User Story 1 + 2+ 3+4+5+6| | | | | Feature 12| Y| | | | | | | Feature 13| Y| | | | | | | Feature 14| Y| | | | | | User Story 5| Feature 15| Y| Integration of feature 15+16+17+18| | | | | | Feature 16| Y| | | | | | | Feature 17| Y| | | | | | | Feature 18| Y| | | | | | User Story 6| Feature 19| Y| Integration of feature 19+20| | | | | | Feature 20| Y| | | |Release 2| Iteration 3| User Story 7| Feature 21| Y| Y| Y| Release 1 + Release 2 TC's Regression Suite for Release 3| | | | Feature 22| Y| | | | | | | Feature 23| Y| | | | | | | Feature 24| Y| | | | | | User Story 8| Feature 25| Y| Y| | | | | | Feature 26| Y| | | | | | | Feature 27| Y| | | | | | | Feature 28| Y| | | | | | User Story 9| Feature 29| Y| Y| | | | | | Feature 30| Y| | | | | Iteration 4| User Story 10| Feature 31| Y| Y| Y| | | | | Feature 32| Y| | | | | | | F eature 33| Y| | | | | | | Feature 34| Y| | | | | | User Story 11| Feature 35| Y| Y| | | | | Feature 36| Y| | | | | | | Feature 37| Y| | | | | | | Feature 38| Y| | | | | | User Story 12| Feature 39| Y| Y| | | | | | Feature 40| Y| | | | System Testing System testing will be executed by System Testing team, System test design and execution will be done as End to End level. In System test design we will write Test Scenarios and Prepare Test Data to execute the System Testing. Test Scenarios will cover multiple functionalities with all permutation and combination of functionalities to test all possible real time end to end scenarios.System testing will also cover the end to end scenarios for maximum number of suppliers, for example System testing will be executed for inviting 500 suppliers for an AQ event, creating an AQ event with 100 Questions. And to execute the end to end testing for such high volume of suppliers we need support from Automation, because as the V2 application being de veloped right from the scratch, existing suppliers not available in the system, hence we need to first register for 100 of suppliers, registering 100 of suppliers will require high resource count and it’s practically not possible.And also respond to an AQ event sent for 100 of suppliers it take time and resource, if it needs to be done manually, in such scenario we need Automation script to complete the task. 6. 9 Test Design 6. 10 Test Data Requirements 6. 11 Functional Automation Testing 6. 12 Non Functional Testing Scope